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Hamstring Sprains and Strains

strained hamstring semitendinosus

A hamstring strain or hamstring sprain is tissue damage that causes pain and inflammation. These injuries can be caused by an acute injury in which the tissue is stretched or twisted beyond the limits or by a chronic injury that occurs with excessive use over time. The type of tissue that is damaged determines if it is a sprained hamstring or a strain.

Sprains are injuries to ligaments, the thick fibrous tissue that connects one bone to another. Strains occur in muscles and tendons, the tissue that connects muscles to bones. A hamstring pull is a strain in one of the 3 hamstring muscles or the adjoining tendon; biceps femoris, semitendinosus, or semimembranosus.

Hamstrings are very long muscles that cross 2 joints (your hip and knee) and are called upon to work for many daily activities. Strains in the hamstrings (also called a pulled hamstring, thigh pull, or leg pull) are one of the most common injuries in vigorous sports activities and among runners; 33% of lower body injuries for those between 16-25 years of age are hamstring injuries.

Hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh, the quadriceps muscles in the front, and the adductor muscles on the inside of the hip and upper leg are responsible for the trunk and legs' multi-directional movements.

common hamstring pull location

The biceps femoris hamstring muscle is the most frequently injured, as it suffers the largest stretch during sprinting, followed by the semitendinosus muscle. If you have a multi-muscle injury, it normally occurs at the point where your hamstring muscles and tendons meet (musculotendinous junction) at the top of the hamstring muscles. However, hamstring pulls can also occur at any place along the hamstring muscle bellies or in the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bones.

Learn More About Hamstring Strain

Hamstring Strain Causes

Hamstring Strain Symptoms

Hamstring Strain Progression (Grades of Strain)

Hamstring Strain Diagnosis

Hamstring Strain Home Treatments

Hamstring Strain Surgery

Hamstring Strain Post-Surgery Recovery

Hamstring Strain Prevention

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Learn More About Hamstring Injuries & Treatments

I want to learn more about Hamstring Post-Surgery Recovery

I want to learn more about the TShellz® Circulatory Boost Wrap

I want to learn more about Ice & Heat: Which Is Better For Treatment?

I want to learn more about Stretching for the Hamstring

I want to learn more about Soft Tissue Injury Treatments

During your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort at the location of your soft tissue injury until the pain and inflammation settle. Always consult your doctor and/or Physical Therapist before using any of our outstanding products, to make sure they are right for you and your condition. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!


Hamstring Injury Facts:

Hamstring Muscles cross both your hip and knee, and help extend (straighten) the hip or bend the knee.

A Hamstring injury is an injury to one of the three different hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh.

The three Hamstring muscles name are: Biceps Femoris, Semitendinousus, Semimembranosus muscles.

Continually using your Hamstring muscles while injured will lead to a worse injury; and yes, it is difficult to avoid using the Hamstring.

Most Hamstring injuries happen while playing sports, such as soccer or football.

Once you have suffered one Hamstring injury, there is a very good chance you will suffer another Hamstring injury.


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